I was hanging out with my seven year old son about a year ago and he asked “Mommy, what if dinosaurs were alive today?” I immediately went on and on about how he shouldn’t worry about dinosaurs being here today, and that they would be so big they would crush things around them and that it would be so dangerous, and so on and so forth. He looked at me, somewhat annoyed, and replied “Mommy, I said “WHAT IF” And it hit me. My automatic response is to mitigate the risks, avoid disappointments, manage fears. This wasn’t the first “What if” question he’s asked me over the years. It wasn’t until he so elegantly replied that I was able to see what I had been doing. How amazingly freeing and exciting to be unfettered and open to possibility!! Now when he asks “What if,” I play along, and we have such a fun time. It opens us up to connection and levity and play.

One of the most helpful tenets of coaching is that anything that’s automatic, that drives an automatic response, usually shows up in more than one area of a person’s life. That led me to explore – where else do I automatically shut down possibility in my life? What other “What if’s” am I ignoring, avoiding, or squashing without even realizing it? In my well being – what if I drank water throughout the day, tracked my eating habits, and hired a personal trainer? In my job – what if I didn’t criticize my manager, and handled my assignments with ease? In my home life – what if we ate dinner together at the table, what if we shared household chores as a delight instead of a burden, or shared something fun every day?

What are the “What if’s” in your life? What’s your automatic response to them? What can you choose differently? What impact will it make in your life? Try it out this week and share your experiences with us!!

Love and hugs,


Luz Flores Lee
Executive and Life Coach
[email protected]
With passion, anything is possible!

Contact me for a complimentary sample session

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