I've been thinking a lot lately about fear, and trying new ways to approach it. With my upbringing, life, and experience, having fear has definitely been a life-saver. Fear of dark alleys, unknown neighborhoods, the unstable person in the room - all of them have been warranted and useful. Growing up in NYC, life was beautiful, abundant, and at the same time, the threats were real. But when does it go too far? When does this fear become a hindrance? How do we trust enough of our own ability to handle anything that comes, our faith in a higher power (if we have one), or faith in life itself? We are still here for a reason, there is more for us to do, but why let fear hold us back?

I have looked up lots about fear, heard so many quotes and perspectives. One of my favorite is by Cheri Huber:

"Fear of the unknown is fear of our own imagination."

I think that puts it in the best perspective I've seen. Fear, even the "real" ones, like the ones we have about snakes, spiders, and charging cars, are all our own imagination - until they aren't. But what I notice most about the likelihood of any of my fears coming to fruition, actually happening, is quite slim. And, the things that actually happen, are things that I would not have guessed or worried about. 

So, what now? We are fighting a ghost that doesn't exist, taking up time and energy with worry, doubt, and inaction. And when things actually do happen, we find a way. What's the purpose of this fear anyway? 

We can make it mean anything we want. I like to use it to fuel me, to point to areas in my plans that may be lacking. I also use it to get me into action. If I'm worried and afraid of something, I do the thing I'm worried about, try something new, make the call, ask the question, get that test done. And you know what? Almost every time, there is nothing wrong. And by taking that action, I'm further along than I've started. On those rare occasions when something actually was wrong, knowing was always better than not knowing. I could do something, get help, get support, begin the healing process. 

Some questions for reflection:

How do you address your fears?

What have they taught you?

What action will you take this week to change how often you worry or let your fears take over?

Wishing you all a wonderful, prosperous week!

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